
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022

Asking and Giving Opinion

Listening  Asking and Giving Opinion    Lesson overview  Name of lesson plan activity : asking and giving opinion  skill focus : Listening Target student : Grade 11 School name : Senior high school of 1 karangdowo Teacher : Ika Novendri Rahmadani Material use in class : handout, laptop, audio learning  time : 60 minutes  Lesson plan  objective  students can listen to audio learning correctly and well  students can word matching when listening to audio learning  students can know expressions of asking and giving opinion  2. Instruction for teaching listening  Explains ( 15 minutes )  The teacher will explain what expressions of asking for and giving opinion are, then the teacher will give examples of commonly used expressions in asking and giving opinion. The teacher will also explain about the use of this asking and giving opinion.  What's your opinion about this film ?  What is your point of view ? I think ...

Simple Present Tense

                  Simple Present Tense  Lesson plan of simple present tense  Lesson overview  Name of lesson plan activity : present tense  skill focus : grammar Target student : Grade 8th Teacher name : Ika Novendri Rahmadani School name : Junior high school of 1 Karangdowo  Material use in class : handout, laptop, whiteboard, spidol, video learning time : 60 minutes  Lesson plan Objective of the lesson plan Students can understand the material and present tense sentences. Students can compose simple English sentences in the present tense. students can write and fill in gaps and also speak. instruction for teaching the lesson Teaching method: explain, practice, produce sentences. 1. Explain ( 15 minutes ) The teacher will explain the present tense material, then the teacher will show a learning video related to the present tense, then the teacher gives examples of present tense sentences written on the whit...