Asking and Giving Opinion
Asking and Giving Opinion
Lesson overview
Name of lesson plan activity : asking and giving opinion
skill focus : Listening
Target student : Grade 11
School name : Senior high school of 1 karangdowo
Teacher : Ika Novendri Rahmadani
Material use in class : handout, laptop, audio learning
time : 60 minutes
Lesson plan
students can listen to audio learning correctly and well
students can word matching when listening to audio learning
students can know expressions of asking and giving opinion
2. Instruction for teaching listening
Explains ( 15 minutes )
The teacher will explain what expressions of asking for and giving opinion are, then the teacher will give examples of commonly used expressions in asking and giving opinion. The teacher will also explain about the use of this asking and giving opinion.
What's your opinion about this film ?
What is your point of view ?
I think this is a beautiful painting
Pre listening ( 15 minutes )
In this section, the teacher will provide audio to practice listening so that students are familiar when listening to the next audio. Then, the teacher will provide opportunities for students to find words or sentences spoken by native speakers in the pre-listening audio.
Activity (post-listening detail) (20 minutes)
The teacher will assess the students' individual abilities about listening. Then the teacher will give an audio related to the expression of asking and giving opinion. Then, students will work on questions related to the audio.
Feedback (10 minutes)
The teacher will provide feedback about the results of the practice on doing audio questions. Then, the teacher will give tips when working on asking and giving opinions.
Asking and giving opinion material
Asking and Giving Opinion is an expression used to ask, answer or respond to an opinion. In Opinion, usually there are several verbs used, including believe (believe), reckon (calculate), think (feel / think), doubt (doubt), assume (assume), agree (agree), or don't agree ( don't agree).
Expression of asking and giving opinion
asking opinion
• What do you think of…?
• What is your opinion?
• What do you think about…?
• What is your idea?
• How about…?
• How do you feel?
• What do you think?
• Please give me your opinion?
• Give me your comment?
• Do you have an opinion of…?
• Do you have any ideas?
• What is your comment?
giving opinion
• In my opinion
• I personally believe
• I tend to think that
• It is my comment
• In my view
• As far I know
• I think….
• I think that
• I think I like it
agreeing opinion
• Of course.
• This is absolutely right.
• I agree with this opinion.
• I agree with your Opinion.
• That's a good point.
• I think so too.
• I couldn't agree more.
• I agree with what you are saying.
• I agree, I never thought of that.
• Neither do I.
disagreeing opinion
• I am sorry, I don't agree with you.
• I can't say I agree with this, and here's why…..
• I do not believe that.
• By this I mean…..
• I disagree with you.
• I think you are wrong.
• That's not the same thing at all.
• I am not sure I agree with you.
• I don't agree with you.
example of dialogue asking and giving opinion
Andi: Hi Angga?
Angga: Hi Andi?
Angga: Have you heard about violence in Senior High School Taruna Palembang?
Andi: Yes, I got information on television last night.
Angga: What is your comment?
Andi: My comment is the senior is very brutal.
Angga: I think so, I hope next time there is no incident about it again and no more seniority again
You all guys can watch this video to give more explanation about asking and giving opinion, happy watching !!
This is the link of the exercise that can help you to know your ability in listening
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